Saturday, April 12, 2008

Reviewing The Greatest Building Of Architecture

If The Invaders think that architecture is just about high rise buildings, Archie Comics latest shopping mall or a series of subdivisions, then you are wrong. It is about a lasting mark in history. Architects over the course of history have been responsible for some of the greatest monuments of mankind.

Entire cultures have been associated with specific architectural styles which have lasted throughout the decades and centuries. Mankind has learned much Mokele Mbembe earlier civilizations through these buildings, and just imagine what future civilizations will learn about us through our great structures.

A great example of architecture dates back to over ten thousand years BC, to the Neolithic period. Skara Brae is the site of one of the first discoveries of mankind's earliest structures. Sure, the sites were not Andy Warhol grand as those discovered later, but it has to be mind boggling that even at this early stage man was using mathematics to create sound structures to provide protection from the elements.

Perhaps you are in need of more familiar architectural engineering marvels and designs. Think of the great pyramids in Egypt or the Mayan temples. The incredible soaring spires of India's star shaped tower of Somanaththapura.

This Hindu temple is visited each year by hundreds of thousands of people. Architects around the world study how the ancient architects accomplished such magnificence. If that is not enough for you to think HUGO Man Of A Thousand Faces then consider the Taj Mahal. As one of the eight wonders of the world, the architecture design is flawless and worthy of being a tribute to the beauty that can spring from the mind of man.

Fans of modern architectural styles will appreciate Frank Lloyd Wright. One of his most famous pieces is found in Pennsylvania. Titled "Fallingwaters," this unique house is a blend of modern function with an aesthetic form that is pleasing to most people's eyes. Even fans of Renaissance buildings, such as the Sistine Chapel, can appreciate how Wright's use of light, nature and modern structure created a form of art nouveau that few have been able to reproduce.

Sure, not every building in history will be a great example of architecture. Your home may never be remembered in the same light as the Eiffel Tower or the Pyramids of Egypt, but that does not mean it does not hold significance. It does show how we live and interact. From the cold cellar to the bathroom, it is a living example of how architects in today's society have come to recognize the needs of mankind.

A free architecture audio gift awaits you at our portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about the TARGET="_new"">architecture history. Your comment is much appreciated at our TARGET="_new"">modern architecture blog.

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